This is how she looked when we lived on the same short block on West 21st Street in New York City. Laurie Frank also lived on the block. It was like a little village, in some ways. We felt protective of her because she was married to someone famous. In fact, she was herself famous in certain circles.
Berry was a young mother, although older than me, with 2 very cute boys. She was a sweet natured woman, always laughing. The block is called Seminary Block. The door to her house was painted bright red.
On September 11, 2001 I hadn't seen her in years. I still felt protective when they announced the passenger list for American Airlines Flight 11, flown by Mohamed Atta into the building that looked like the number 11. There was an error on the manifest. She was listed twice, as Berinthia Perkins (her real first name) and as something else. I phoned the travel agent we used in those days and asked him to straighten it out.
I was worried about her sons. It was one day before the anniversary of their father's death.
Here is an article written by someone else about Berry, which says a lot.
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